Is it Ethical to Slant Truth in Journalism?

Years ago, most reporters sincerely attempted to “tell the truth” as they covered their assignments.  That was when I was young, very many years ago.  I studied various journalists and especially respected Adele Rogers St John. Her informative reports on various events and trials were interesting and educational.  I may have disagreed at times with her perspective but I never considered her to be presenting “fake news.”

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Discerning what is true and what is not, robs sincere searchers of their time and effort.  Now I “pick and choose” what I really “need to know” and manage to get along without knowing as much as I would prefer to know.  Truly a sad state of affairs when I can no longer be a “know it all. ”  LOL!          dm



Author: heresyourhopesite

Published author, mother, grandmother and person who has been through the " dark night in the soul" - I try to make each day a day that I become more grateful for what I have going right in my life instead of falling into the trap of getting hyper-focused on what is wrong... I hope to share some of what has worked for me, and learn how others have managed as well...

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